Funa Network | IOT

funa network
Jan 4, 2023


Internet of things and its connection with blockchain

You have put a pot on the stove, now let’s say you have to leave the house, you leave the house but you are still worried about getting home in time so that your food doesn’t burn.

But if your pot and gas stove are equipped with the Internet of Smart Things, you can check the cooking status of your food at any moment by sending a message to the pot from anywhere in the world and send an order to turn it on or off.

But the issue of security is a priority, where blockchain enters to display the result of 100% of our commands, like a voting hardware device that is connected to the Internet of Things system and the blockchain network for data security.




funa network

Funa Network is a new technology, artificial intelligence chip maker and its integration in blockchain network with metaverse world. #funa #FUNA @funanetwork